segunda-feira, 29 de maio de 2006

Meet u 1/2 way

Meet u half way

Te encontro no meio do caminho
porque minha trilha já segui
até aqui.

pra frente só se você estiver aqui
ao meu lado,
para caminharmos juntos

Porque fiz o máximo;
cocei sem trair
puxei os limites
mas ali fiquei

Não por não querer
mas por não poder

fácil não?
quando o um não quer
dois não fazem

E querer é obra do coração
autônomo e cheio de paixão
amargurado e sempre apaixonado

Foi assim
Sem ferir conceitos
Sem magoar ninguém
a não ser minha esperança

que é autônoma também
e vai a lugares belos e às vezes inóspitos
por tempos que só ela tem

e pensa sozinha
e me diz que se o um não quis,
o dois não pode por ambos querer.

justo é o sabor da verdade
amargo ou doce
suave ou áspero
quente ou frio

Sempre em busca
da felicidade
a qualquer tempo
sem pressa sem atropelos.

Simples assim também.

Meet U half way

Would u be there?

2 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

What is it about you that makes me smile this way?

What is it about you that keeps my mind on your ways all day long?

Tell me! Tell me please, what is it about you that makes me feel so damn happy all day long?

You have an incredible soul my friend. You have an amazing character! You have a sense of humour that keeps me intrigued! You have this entire atmosphere of good vibes just walking around with you... Puta que pariu Helio!!

You are such a wonderfull man...

Please don't sit around and wait, please don't make this any harder then it is. Please cary on with your life, find yourself a nice woman and start a life together.

I'm in this with you - definatly want to meet you half way, but my half way, so far, is no longer then your beguining of the way... do you undesrtant what i'm saying?

I can't give you what you wish for. I can't be with you right now, for i've decided to be some other place. I've decided to completly ignore my instincts, and try and fix something i think is no longer there... but i so wish it were...

I better shut up now... this is starting to sound like a "declaração de amor!"

See you tomorrow, my oh-so-dear "friend".

Sleep tight, and wake up as healthy as you've always been!

Love, "The Hairy Monster".

MANATEE disse...

My dear Lady "hairy monster" Bug =)

Lov U.
Just simple as it is. It just happenned u know, u feel.

Miss U.
These things is all about wanting to hang out w. someone, to be close, holding tight, to smell, touching & kissing.It is passion.

I won´t sit aroud babe, I am being around, giving u all my best, carying on w my life and projects.I am following my path & u keep stick to yours decisions.
Till your decision become me.

Take your time.

And we´ll meet again in a time that u can say what u want, u´ll free to feel free. And then perhaps we could be at the same place, loving each other.

When I´m far for u, I wanna be close, and when I´m close I wanna be closer.

Lov U
Chicken pie"